Innovation U 2.0 heading

Innovation U 2.0



Copyright 2014 Louis G. Tornatzky. All Rights Reserved. This work was created for the purposes of advancing public and private discussion related to university innovation, and to advance education and understanding in that field. Any person or organization who acquires a paper or electronic version of this work, and who will use it for those purposes, is permitted to freely copy and disseminate the entire volume or chapters thereof.



The Book


We are pleased to provide you with this complimentary electronic copy of Innovation U 2.0 Reinventing University Roles in a Knowledge Economy. Louis G. Tornatzky and Elaine C. Rideout were the primary authors, joined by several chapter contributors and project enablers, including Scott Doron of the NC Office of Science and Technology and Denis Gray, Distinguished Graduate Professor at NC State.


The book is about how technological innovation, entrepreneurship and business partnerships happen in a carefully selected case sample of twelve major US universities. The role of organizational leadership and culture is a prominent theme as well. Cases include: Arizona State, BYU, Cal Tech, Carnegie Mellon, Clemson, Georgia Tech, MIT, NC State, Purdue, Stanford, University of Florida, and Utah.


The book is 258 pages, and the cases include dozens of examples of best practices, policies and programs that are related to technological innovation, industry and community engagement, and the commercialization of inventions.


View or download a pdf
of Innovation U 2.0

Innovation U 2.0 Events
and Conferences


In addition to providing easy access to the Innovation U 2.0 book, the project team is committed to actively disseminating the best practices and policies that were identified therein. Recently (6-24/6-25) the team co-hosted an Innovation U 2.0 conference in Research Triangle Park, NC, that drew upwards of 150 participants and speakers. Attendees included:


• Economic development officials at local and state levels

• University officials involved in technology transfer, university-industry partnerships and entrepreneurship education

• Policy leaders from state and Federal agencies

• Private sector partners


If you want to have a member of the project team work with you, provide advice, or suggest speakers for your own future event, please contact